Monday, 1 September 2008


Today was the first day of Ramadan.
Yesterday i was speaking with a christian friend and he was high up and giddy because it's Ramadan....
"I just love Ramadan, its got this special something" he said, while we were walking around.
"Ofcourse you are happy with Ramadan," I told him "you get all the short work hours - all those late nights on the "ahwa" - for free. You don't even have to fast for a minute!"
Nothing new, everyone keeps talkin' about that mysterious Ramadan feeling but i never could tell.
Is it because People are amassing in the streets late at night like half crazed non-sleeping night zombies?
So this is Cairo, it's always like this over here, that is not Ramadan...
Is it the decorations?, the "fawanees"?
The insurmountable phone calls from people?
The absence of swearing in the mornings?
People at mosques?
Absolute stillness at sundown?
Freaky over politeness all day long?
"Boggy we Tumtum"?, yeah right, not anymore......
Off to "taraweeh" I'm!


Sou said...

I could frankly say that I have not have the Ramadan Feeling in a while now but I just go with it.. It seems I am not the only one :)

Vile said...

Yes, you are not the only one....
I have been thinking about this and i honestly believe they should do something about it, we are missing out on the Ramadan juice....
so i propose the making of something that symbolizes Ramadan other that el fanoos, something lively and charismatic.
so i ask... is a "Ramadan bunny" at hand?

Sou said...

Well do you really think a symbol is what we need? I do not know but a bunny is a weird notion,, what about a turtle? Its cleaner :)

Vile said...

don't we always need a symbol?
i dunno about the turtle, it reminds me of my own that died a horrible death years ago...
I'm just glad Ramadan is here.

Gihan said...

Ana ha2ool 7aga 3'areeba awy that you might not get.

Okay, I am used that Ramadan beyeegy fel sheta, or at least fel 7'areef, w ba2aly fatra met3awweda 3ala mossem ree7et el ash elly beyt7ere2 elly kan beysadef ennoh yeegy ma3 Ramadan.

El sanady Ramadan geh abl may7ra2oh el ash, w kaman el denya 7arr 3ala Ramadan, maybe that's why I can't feel the vibe of it.

Bass essra7a ya3ny awel lamma baddereb 3ashan as7a 3ala el so7oor ba7es enny fe Ramadan instantly!

Vile said...

definitely, if you asked me a few years back i would have said that i wouldn't make it through the day without the refreshing smell of ash el roze!

Forsoothsayer said...

you can make ramadan spirit, whatever it is, if u want to, without everyone else needing to feel it.
does this christian friend of yours not drink/have tons of money to sped on shisha kheyam/prefer to ea like a criminal in his office? cos these are the only conditions where i feel a non observant person can enjoy ramadan.

Vile said...

but why would i want to make Ramadan spirit?
i want "THE" Ramadan spirit.

as for my friend, there are two points concerning him:

first: he doesn't have to have tons of money because he usually stays at those shabby "ahwas" if you know what i mean.

second: he teases me that he can eat while i can't, so i hope he gets "caught" with a big juicy burger in his mouth in the middle of the afternoon. That oughta teach him.